
In today's world of high technology, mobile computing has become the most omnipresent medium for so many different applications. From the simple downloading of the mp3s of the youth to downloading business application/software of the professionals, or from simply carrying out transactions to videoconferencing by the career people to simply having fun with a number of social networking sites, it is simply a part of the lives of the majority using any internet-connected computers or mobile handsets.

Friday, 25 September 2015



1\2) Flower Rock - The flower is blooming on rock
6\2) Duck Rock - The duck is hit by the rock
7\7) Dog Tree - The dog is sleeping under a tree

Friday, 4 September 2015

Mind Map

Logical mind map

Logical Focus mind map 

Associated mind map

Sunday, 14 June 2015

Chapter 13 : Digital Video Data Sizing

Data Rate
- is the rate where information being transferred
- per unit time

Calculating file size of an uncompressed digital file

Raw video data size
= frame size (width X height) * frame rate (fps) * colour depth (in bytes) * time (in seconds)

8 bits = 1 byte
1 kilo(bit/byte) = 1,024 (bits/bytes)
1 Mega(bit/byte) = 1,048,576 (bits/bytes)
1 Giga(bit/byte) = 1,073,741,824 (bits/bytes)

Factors to consider when selecting graphics to be used in a multimedia project:

- purpose 
- cost 
- quality 

Chapter 12 : Broadcast Video Standards

Broadcast Video Standard
NTSC (National Television Standards Committee)
  - 525 lines/60Hz
  - This standard is used primarily in North America, Taiwan, South, Korea, Japan.
  - 30 fps
PAL (Phase Alternate Line)
  - 625 lines/50Hz
  - This standard is used primarily in Europe, Asia, and Southern Africa.
  - 25 fps
SECAM (Systeme Electronique Couleur Avec Memoire)
  - 625 lines/50Hz
  - This standard is used primarily in France, parts of Middle East, and Russia.
  - 25 fps

Aspect Ratio

• The aspect ratio of a frame describes the ratio of its width to its height in the dimensions of a frame
• For example, the frame aspect ratio of NTSC or PAL video is 4:3, whereas DVD, HDTV, and motion-picture         frame sizes use the more elongated aspect ratio of 16:9 

Chapter 11 : Drawing Shapes

- clipping mask : act like a cookie cutter
- path shape : path created with pen tool
- fill shape : created with pixels

Shape Layer
- two thumbnails on shape layer
- left thumbnail contains pixel of colors (fill layer)
- right thumbnail contains vector based circle shape (vector mask)
- the shape act as mask, hiding all the fill layer pixels outside white area of the mask

Chapter 9 & 10 : Text

- it is vector image

Type of attribute
- tracking                     - leading
- kerning                      - vertical / horizontalscale
- baseline shift             - attributes

Paragraph Type 
- A paragraph is a series of word created when you start typing and ends when you press enter key.

 Clipping Mask
- used to add gradient fill to the text.

Applying Style
- can add or drop shadow , bevel and emboss effects.

Thursday, 21 May 2015

Chapter 6 & 7: Working with Layers and Layer Styles

- A layer is any image on a transport background which is stack of another.
- Combination of several layer called merging.

- create composite image                - add special effects
-create complex projects                 - repair photos
- correct colour 

Types of Layer
- Normal layer : added on top of current layer
- Adjustment layer :modify an image without destroying the pixels
- Layer mask : protect area of layer
- Shape layer : contains vector images
- Type layer : contains text

Merge & Flatten Layers
- Merging : combining two or more layers
- Flattening : combining all layers in one file to optimize the file size
- Linking : connecting layers together (layers move together)

Layer Style
- adding special effects to the layer 

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Chapter 4 & 5: Making and Manipulating Selections

Selection Tool

- enabling yourself to only paint in one area while the rest of your canvas is left unaffected.



- softening edges of image

Lasso tool

- Polygonal Lasso Tool : it allows us easily draw free form selection outlines based on straight sided                                            polygonal shapes.
- Magnetic Lasso Tool : tracks the edges of an object based on colour tone
- Lasso Tool : free hand tracing for selection

Transforming Selection
- scale    -rotate   -skew   -perspective   -flipping

Chapter 3: Painting and Drawing with Colour

Working with the Brushes Palette

  • control how the painting tools interact with the image.
  • to customize and create brush in many ways

Painting Tools
  • add colour and retouch images 
  • works only on bitmap images which means image that has pixels

Creating Gradient
  • 5 option of gradient
  • there are a few preset gradient available in option bar

Eraser Tool

      -  2 type of eraser : Background eraser => delete pixels of background layer                                                       Magic eraser => delete the area that clicked which is same colour

Chapter 2: Viewing and Managing Documents

Colour modes

- colour mode = colour spcae / colour model
- visible spectrum = colours that can be seen by human eyes
- gamut = produce by device

History palette
- undo multiple commands
- it has list of recently executed commands

Changing on screen size of an image 
- click Image > Image size 

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Chapter 1 : A Quick Tour of Adobe Photoshop

 Opening and Saving Images

 How to open and save image
 ~To open: File => Open

 ~To save: File => Save

  File Formats
  ~preserve layers 

File formatUses
PSD (Photoshop Document)Used for Photoshop document
PDF (Portable Document Format)Used for portable document
PSB(Large document format)Used for large document
TIFF(Tagged image file format)Used for Printing

~does not preserve layers 

File FormatUses
GIF , JPGWeb Graphics
RAWFor Digital cameras

Physical point in a raster image, or the smallest addressable element in an all points addressable display device.
  1 bit = 2 colours
*   4 bits = 16 colours
*   8 bits = 256 colours
*   16 bits = 65,536 colours
*    24 bits = over 16 million colours

Relationship between resolution, on screen size and print size 
on screen size / resolution = printed width

resolution = 300 pixels per inch for printing
                 = 72 pixels per inch for display