
In today's world of high technology, mobile computing has become the most omnipresent medium for so many different applications. From the simple downloading of the mp3s of the youth to downloading business application/software of the professionals, or from simply carrying out transactions to videoconferencing by the career people to simply having fun with a number of social networking sites, it is simply a part of the lives of the majority using any internet-connected computers or mobile handsets.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Advantages & Disadvantages of Mobile Computing

Advantages of Mobile Computing:
Mobile computing has changed the complete landscape of human being life. Following are the clear advantages of Mobile Computing:

·       Location flexibility

This has enabled user to work from anywhere as long as there is a connection established. A user can work without being in a fixed position. Their mobility ensures that they are able to carry out numerous tasks at the same time perform their stated jobs.

·       Saves Time

The time consumed or wasted by travelling from different locations or to the office and back, have been slashed. One can now access all the important documents and files over a secure channel or portal and work as if they were on their computer. It has enhanced telecommuting in many companies. This also reduces unnecessary expenses that might be incurred.

·       Enhanced Productivity

Productive nature has been boosted by the fact that a worker can simply work efficiently and effectively from which ever location they see comfortable and suitable. Users are able to work with comfortable environments.

              Ease of research

Research has been made easier, since users will go to the field and search for facts and feed them back to the system. It has also made it easier for field officer and researchers to collect and feed data from wherever they without making unnecessary trip to and from the office to the field.

·       Entertainment

Video and audio recordings can now be streamed on the go using mobile computing. It's easy to access a wide variety of movies, educational and informative material. With the improvement and availability of high-speed data connections at considerable costs, one is able to get all the entertainment they want as they browser the internet for streamed data. One can be able to watch news, movies, and documentaries among other entertainment offers over the Internet. This was not such before mobile computing dawned on the computing world.

·       Streamlining of Business Processes

Business processes are now easily available through secured connections. Basing on the factor of security, adequate measures have been put in place to ensure authentication and authorization of the user accessing those services.
Some business functions can be run over secure links and also the sharing of information between business partners. Also it's worth noting that lengthy travelling has been reduced, since there is the use of voice and video conferencing.
Meetings, seminars and other informative services can be conducted using the video and voice conferencing. This cuts down on travel time and expenditure.
Disadvantages of Mobile Computing:

·       Mobile Computing Security Issues:

Mobile computing has its fair share of security concerns as any other technology. Due to their nomadic nature, it's not easy to monitor the proper usage. User might have different intentions on how to utilize this privilege. Improper and unethical practices such as hacking, industrial espionage, pirating, online fraud and malicious destruction are some but few of the problems experienced by mobile computing.

Another big problem plaguing mobile computing is credential verification. It's not possible to that the person using that person is the true barrier. Other users share username and passwords. This is also a major threat to security. This being a very sensitive issue, most companies are very reluctant to implement mobile computing to the dangers of misrepresentation.
The problem of identity theft is very difficult to contain or eradicate. Issues with unauthorized access to data and information by hackers, is also a plaguing problem. They gain access to steal vital data from companies. This problem has been a major headache and hindrance in rolling out mobile computing services.
No company wants to lay open their secrets to hacker and other intruders, who will in terms, sell them to their competitors. It's also important to take the necessary precautions to minimize these threats from taking place. Some of those measures include:
·       Hiring qualified personnel.
·       Installing Security Hardware and Software.
·       Educating the Users on proper Mobile computing ethics.
·       Auditing and developing sound, effective policies to govern mobile computing.
·       Enforcing proper access rights and permissions.

These are just but a few ways to help deter possible threats to any company planning to offer mobile computing. Since information is vital, all possible measures should be evaluated and implemented for safeguard purposes.
In the absence of such measures, it's possible for exploits and other unknown threats to infiltrate and cause irrefutable harm that would cost a huge of damage. These maybe in terms of reputation or financial penalties. In such cases, it's very easy to be misused in different unethical practices.

The other issue would be online security. If this factor isn't properly worked on, it might be an avenue for constant threat. Theft and Espionage can be also another fact limiting its full utilization. Various threats to security still exist in implementing this kind of technology.

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